
名称: MaryRuth可靠的

年龄: 20

家乡: 奇克莫加河

高等学校: Gordon Lee Memorial High School

主要: 心理学

预计毕业时间: 2020年春季

Why did you choose 道尔顿状态? 道尔顿状态 is close to home so I can see my family whenever I choose, yet still far enough away that I can live on campus and get the full college experience.

What does it mean to you to be part of the 走鹃国家?  To be part of 走鹃国家 means to be a part of a community of people who care about one another’s success throughout life.

What do you plan to do after graduation?  After graduation I plan on attending graduate school to receive my master’s in counseling.

What activities are you involved in on campus? I was a part of the Campus Activities Executive Board Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. Now I currently help on the Street Team as needed to execute events on campus.

What are some of your biggest achievements or accomplishments at 道尔顿状态? In February of 2018 I was invited to attend the Collegiate 领导 Conference at UGA because of my involvement on campus through the Campus Activities Board. I was also recently awarded an Emerging Leader Award at the Eighth Annual 道尔顿状态 Student 领导 Awards for my involvement on campus and leadership qualities.

Where is your favorite study spot? Around finals time I love to study on the second floor of the library in a rocking chair because everything is so peaceful up there.

Where is your favorite hangout? I really enjoy walking the trails around campus. They are preserved so well; it is nice to be able to get away for a bit by taking a little walk down by the creek or up into the mountains.

最喜欢的安慰食物? 任何甜的!

最喜欢的电影台词? “没有地方比得上家." - 绿野仙踪

What do you feel most proud of? I am most proud of the work that I do with the youth and younger kids at my church. Even if I am simply an ear for them to talk to I can see the impact that I am having on their everyday lives. 

If you could only keep five possessions, what would they be? 我的《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》, a picture that I have of my great-祖母, 祖母, 妈妈和我(四代人), a blanket that my mom made me when I was born, my diary from when I was young (I like to look back and see where I came from and where I am going), 还有一本家庭相册.

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why? I would love to learn to play piano. I have always loved music and played instruments my whole life. 我几乎不会凭耳朵演奏, but I would love to learn how to actually play songs on the piano by simply reading the music.

什么使你高兴?? Spending time with my family and church family. They are basically the same thing!

What is your favorite childhood memory? My favorite childhood memory was a vacation that my family went on to New Bern, N.C. It took us 11 hours to get there, and the car ride was horrible. Once we were there we stayed in a townhouse that had a loft bedroom. I was young so I got the loft bedroom, and it was the coolest thing I had ever seen. We spent the week riding bikes around the complex and spending time being lazy. We even went on a sailboat ride. This was my first experience on a boat, and I absolutely loved it.

你最喜欢的应用是什么? Pinterest! 有很多好的名言. I could spend hours scrolling through them.

Where is your favorite place to eat? 庞帕诺·乔在佛罗里达州的德斯廷.

What did you want to be when you were a kid? As a little kid into middle school I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then in high school I wanted to be a singer. 现在我想成为一名顾问.

As a Roadrunner, what does it mean to Run Boldly?  To Run Boldly means to strive for our goals with unwavering perseverance and strength while remembering where we came from and where we are going.