
Name: Leanna J. Gable 

Age: 29

Hometown: Summerville

High school: Trion High School

Major: English Literature and Language

Graduation date: Graduated in 2012

Why did you choose Dalton State? 它离家很近,有很好的英语节目,有一份可行的报纸,而且成本低廉.

What did you do after graduation? 我很幸运能做我想做的事. 当我告诉我的高级研讨班,我的目标是成为一名技术作家, 他们都看着我,好像我选择了一条最无聊、最没有回报的道路. 目前,我在一家小型软件公司工作,该公司开发的材料用于FDA和医疗设备等机构之间的通信接口, food, and drug companies. 我曾为两家财富500强公司工作,甚至还与国防部签订合同,为飞机编写用户手册. What’s boring about that? And I happen to also make good money doing it.

Who was your favorite professor and why? Dr. Keith Perry was my absolute favorite professor. 我一直很重视那些迫使我全力以赴的老师. Perry always did. 每次他用红墨水批改我的一篇论文,让我想用下一篇给他留下深刻印象时,我都觉得他真的在看我和我的能力.

你在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址最大的成就是什么? 我想让我的一张照片刊登在 Roadrunner was pretty awesome. 我还被提名为学生会人文系的代表,并被要求在我们的本科研讨会上发表论文.

Where was your favorite study spot? I loved the little nook beside the library in spring. 长椅、开花的树木和柔和的微风真的让我感到安慰和鼓舞.

作为Roadrunner国家的一员,你最美好的记忆是什么? 我想我在澳门新葡京娱乐城网址最喜欢的是整个社区的感觉. Many of my graduating class still keep in touch, 每当我在路上开车时看到澳门新葡京娱乐城网址的停车贴纸或保险杠贴纸时,我都会感到一丝自豪.

What is the last book you read? It may sound silly, but I just finished up Treasure Island last week and I’m in the middle of reading A Confederacy of Dunces 还有一本新葡京网址赌城中美洲的好书,作者是当地作家蒂姆·诺尔顿, 玛雅创造神话:奇拉姆巴拉姆人的文字和世界.

Favorite comfort food? I am so bad. 我非常喜欢油炸土豆,不管你怎么做.

If you had a theme song, what would it be? Probably “Follow Your Arrow” by Kacey Musgraves.

What do you feel most proud of? My son, Gabriel. He’s the very best of me. He’s bright and sensitive and beautiful. 如果这世界上有人能珍视我的善良,那就是因为那个小男孩. He is my heart on the outside of my body. That changes you. When the doctor holds up that dark-haired, violet-eyed, 完全清醒的宝贝,你意识到你是多么的脆弱,因为你的心太小了, delicate, fragile little life. If I am generous, patient, loving, accepting, strong, brave, ambitious, fiercely loyal and protective, or any of the other good things people tell me I am, it’s because I’m his mom.

If you won the lottery, what would you do? Call me selfish. I’d go on vacation, buy a Fisker, find myself a nice, comfortable house, big enough for all my favorite people, 聘请厨师和私人教练,与最好的公司和最好的生活一起度过我的日子. 当然,我会回到学校,可能把这当成我的工作. 我剩下的钱将投入一家投资集团,用所得资金资助扫盲, education, 以及为想继续深造的学生提供的研究生和研究生学位奖学金.

What cheers you up? Running. 内啡肽和成就感的结合总能让我感觉更好.

What is your favorite book? All the King’s Men gave me a new understanding of southern literature. Not everything is Faulkner.

Who is your hero? I have so many heroes. My grandmother is probably my biggest hero. My grandmother grew up during the Depression. Her mother, Lena, 是一名助产士和单身母亲,因为她的父亲死于1927年东岭民权暴动, Tn. 我祖母长大后嫁给了她高中时的恋人, 他是二战时期的海军老兵,给他生了四个漂亮的孩子. 她想当一名护士,但她丈夫不让她上学. When he passed of heart attack, 她以一份小学秘书的工作维持着自己的生活. She’s strong and kind and generous. She’s what I want to be.

Who would play you in the movie version of your life? Probably Katee Sackhoff. 她和我都喜欢,而且我们确实有一些共同的性格特征. 我的一个好朋友叫我维克,因为她在《澳门新葡京娱乐城网址》中的角色,还有一个朋友叫我星芭儿好多年了.

Where is your favorite place to eat? 伍德斯托克有个小地方叫Vingenzo 's. 他们是那不勒斯意大利人,意大利面是手工制作的,披萨是砖炉烤的. 他们的蛋清意式宽面加俄国酱的味道让我觉得太好吃了.

成为路跑族的一员对你来说意味着什么? For me, 作为Roadrunner国家的一员,我知道我总是有一群不同的人, talented, intelligent, funny people in which to include myself. 这意味着我为自己的出身和成就感到骄傲. 成为一名路跑者是在不牺牲自我的情况下参与比我更重要的事情.